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Social Sciences and Humanities Journal (SSHJ), Volume 10, Sep 2025

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Worldwide, we can observe the social organization of traditional communities into counter-hegemonic solidary networks that bring in their core the problematization of the colonial practices, disclosing the new forms of coloniality in search of legitimation and guarantee of rights in the public space. Under the colonial context of Latin America, the invention of America develops from coloniality: a logical structure of power and domination that transcends time, taking new configurations in the contemporaneity. The Postcolonial Theory defends that, for us to understand the contemporaneity, we have to problematize the notion of �cultural diversity� from the logic of coloniality as an essential matrix of power in the conception of modern world. This article targets at building a critical reflection on the traditional communities, as well as reflecting on the cultural and identity politics, from the concepts of Cultural Diversity and Coloniality. For this purpose, we carry through a close analysis of some identity policies, affirmation policies, and social programs aimed at the black and indigenous peoples in the context of Brazil. The contemporary social process creates a Third Space of identity negotiations where the translational practices become relevant within cultural production. However, an essentialist notion of culture is present and there is a need for basic redistributive policies.

Author(s): Heliana Castro Alves, Maria Inacia D Avila and Samira Lima da Costa

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